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i’m over it


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LOCAL & indepenDeNT

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Authorised by Peter Razos. Level 2, 66-68 Cubitt Street Cremorne 3121

Hi I’m Peter Razos

I am an Independent Candidate running for the City of Yarra council ​elections in the new Lennox Ward, which encompasses parts of Richmond ​and all of Cremorne in 2024.

Having lived in Richmond for over 20 years, I am deeply rooted in this ​community. I am a dedicated family man, happily married, and the proud ​father of an 11-year-old girl.

With my extensive background in running businesses, including my ​involvement in the real estate sector, I bring a fresh and unique perspective ​to the council.

I firmly believe that our council's focus should be on understanding and ​advocating for the needs of our community, rather than being driven by ​political ideologies. That is why I am not affiliated with any political parties.

As a local resident myself, I have an intimate understanding of the ​challenges and opportunities our community faces. I have personally ​experienced the frustration of being neglected and overlooked by the ​council.

For the past 3 ½ years, the Greens-led council in Richmond and Cremorne ​has failed to deliver for our community. It is high time we demand better ​representation and be guided by someone who genuinely comprehends ​the challenges we encounter on a daily basis.

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The majority of Yarra Councillors ​and Council senior management ​have lost sight of their ​responsibilities, leading to wasteful ​spending and neglecting our ​community's needs.


Bin Tax Surge

Bin Tax rose by 30% in less than a year. HOW MUCH WILL IT INCREASE NEXT ​YEAR?

Neglecting The Basics

Basic needs like maintaining roads, footpaths, effective waste collection and cleanliness ​are neglected while pet projects thrive. Our rates must be spent on essential services as ​a priority.

Wasted Millions

Funds were squandered on mismanaged parks. Outrageous amounts of funds were ​allocated to commemorative projects lacking definition and fueled solely by political ​motives to secure votes.

Rampant Wages

Council wages will go up by 15% while service delivery continues to decline.

This is why I’m Over It! I’m over their wastage and you should be too!

The City of Yarra's financial ​situation requires a ​transformative approach.

Currently, there is excessive ​spending and a lack of ​financial efficiency.

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When I am elected, I will…

Implement an Expenditure Audit

Every expense will be scrutinized to ensure it's relevant, cost-effective, and benefits our ​community - not self serving agendas. The money that is collected will be spent smarter ​and made more fair for residents. I will fight for unpaid money (or grants, debts) owed to ​us from the State Government.

Freeze Charges To Residents

I will be looking to FREEZE charges for sporting and leisure facilities, council ​kindergartens and child care centres.

Introduce Free Parking

First hour FREE parking to keep Swan Street vibrant and to re-energize Bridge Road, ​encouraging people to visit the area and support local businesses. Looking at the budget, ​there is enough money for freezing charges and introducing first our free parking for a ​period of time to help ease the cost of living crisis many are experienceing.

Stop Lennox Ward Getting Ripped Off

We want a fair go. We are sick of being the poor & forgotten relations. Lennox Ward ​generates massive fees from developers, yet we suffer the constant disturbance, mess ​and inconvenience of these never-ending developments; and get less than our fair share ​of spending for our green spaces and amenity.

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lennox ward is used as a cashcow

Enough is enough. Stop funding other wards ​from Lennox ward funds!

The developers' 5% open space contributions mainly come from Cremorne, but ​the parks go to Collingwood. NOT FAIR!

The Greens- led council has neglected and is financially exploiting Cremorne in ​favour of other wards.

No more financial exploitation! We refuse to be used as a CASH COW to fund ​projects in other wards. We've had enough of shouldering the burden while our ​own community's needs are neglected. It's time to put an end to this unjust ​practice and demand transparency, fairness, and prioritization of our own ward's ​development. The developers' 5% open space contributions mainly come from ​Cremorne, but the parks go to Collingwood. NOT FAIR!

Cash Cow Ahead
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Fleecing the community ​and Vote Buying Exposed

The Greens-led Council shamelessly hiked bin fees by 30%, along with ​inflated charges for parking, leisure centers, and registrations—all while ​keeping bloated overheads intact.

In a shocking turn of events, they quietly injected an additional $1M into the ​budget without seeking the community's input. Rather than allocating this ​money towards vital services, they labeled it as "additional grants." Adding ​insult to injury, a whopping $350k was gifted for an anniversary celebration, ​as they continued to manipulate the situation, covering up their true ​intentions and attempting to buy votes.

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wages bill: $102 million ​in the city of yarra

The wages bill is NOT a worrying 77%... ​it is an OUTRAGEOUS 77%

This ratio is well above the average for other councils. I'll fight for a ​more balanced ratio of 60%, ensuring responsible use of ratepayer ​funds that deliver value to our community.

We pay more but receive less. There's an overrepresentation of ​highly paid positions and a shortage of service staff within the ​council.

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parking extortion

City of Yarra’s shift from Free To Fee - ​stripping away parking spaces and ​making you pay more!

The City of Yarra is considering removing FREE parking spots and RAISING permit ​costs by 20%. This is nothing short of outrageous.

  • Need tradies to do some work at your place? Under this proposal, ​tradie parking permits would cost an additional $200, an ​unjustifiable expense.
  • This shift unfairly burdens car dependent residents who for various ​reasons cannot be satisfied by alternative modes of transportation.

We deserve fair treatment, transparent policies, and responsible decision-making ​when it comes to parking.

As your candidate, I will fight for these principles and ensure that our community is ​not a victim of parking extortion.

Authorised by peter razos. Level 2, 66-68 CubitT Street Cremorne 3121

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revive, support businesses

Keep Swan Street vibrant and to re-energize ​Bridge Road!

Lennox ward deserves vibrant and bustling high streets, free from the grip of vacant ​shopfronts that currently plague our community.

With a shocking 20% vacancy rate, the highest amongst any suburb, it's clear that ​urgent action is needed. As your candidate, I am fully committed to reversing this ​trend and revitalizing our local economy.

To address empty shopfronts, we must focus on factors within our control. Making ​Cremorne an attractive destination for businesses is paramount. This starts by ​reducing burdensome council fees and streamlining the permitting process for ​businesses.

We need to inject vibrancy into our community, I propose organizing exciting street ​events throughout the year that celebrate and showcase the talents of our locals.

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Fewer collections and slugged with a Bin​ Tax. Renters, it affects you too!​

The Greens-led council claims to prioritize the environment, but actions speak ​louder.

  • Their waste management failure leads to reduced collections and ​increased street litter, polluting our rivers.
  • Frustration rises with less bin collections and more neighborhood litter.
  • Despite inadequate services, we bear the burden of a bin tax.
  • Renters are affected too, as landlords pass on costs through increased ​rents, causing financial strain.

I'm determined to improve bin collections, promote fairness, and eliminate the ​unsightly mess. Paying more for less is unacceptable. Our community deserves ​better waste management.

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injecting room clean up ​costs $3 million and ​mounting

We, the rate payers are covering the State Government's ​project costs. The injecting room, fully funded by the State, is ​also responsible for amenity cleaning expenses.

The State Government has not contributed any funds to ​date for cleanup costs. Due to the Council's negligence, the ​bill has accumulated to $3,000,000 and continues to rise.

If elected, I will submit the bill to the government and ​impose interest charges if they fail to pay.

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Council Neglect Poses ​Threat to Property Values ​and Homeowners' ​Insurance

Warning: The Greens-led City of Yarra Council's disregard could have dire ​consequences for homeowners. Without warning, your property may fall within a ​proposed flood zone due to the council's negligence over the past four years.

With inadequate funding for critical infrastructure such as aging drains, a third of ​Yarra homes now face heightened flood risks. This shocking oversight has thrown ​22,000 residents under the bus, shifting the responsibility of flooding onto them ​instead of the council maintaining and upgrading infrastructure, as well as conducting ​regular cleaning of stormwater drains. It is clear that this council is incompetent, and ​the only way to safeguard the future of our community and homes is by voting them ​out.

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I’m Over It

you should be too!


peter razos

LOCAL & indepenDeNT

lennox ward

Authorised by peter razos. Level 2, 66-68 CubitT Street Cremorne 3121